Berkeley Lab
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A Successful LBNF/DUNE-US Near Detector Cryostat Preliminary Design Review was Completed

October 11, 2024 

A successful Near Detector Cryostat Preliminary Design Review milestone was completed for the LBNF/DUNE-US (Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility/ Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment) at Fermilab. A team of expert reviewers from CERN, Fermilab and STFC (United Kingdom) participated in the review and provided important feedback.

Two scientists in hard hats working on the 2x2 prototype detector for the DUNE near detector.The 2×2 prototype detector for the DUNE near detector was placed in its cryostat in October 2023. Pictured are Kevin Wood, a Chamberlain Postdoctoral Fellow at Berkeley Lab and run coordinator for the 2×2 prototype; and Brooke Russell, now the Neil and Jane Pappalardo Special Fellow in Physics at MIT and the 2×2 prototype’s charge readout expert. Credit: Dan Svoboda/Fermilab