Amanda Krieger, Engineering Division IC Design Engineer, was awarded the 2017 Director’s Award for Exceptional Achievement in Diversity. The Director’s Awards program recognizes significant achievements of Lab employees. Each year, these awards are given for accomplishments, leadership, collaboration, multi-disciplinary science, cross-divisional projects, and commitment to excellence in support of the Lab’s mission and strategic goals. Amanda is recognized for mentoring and leadership roles promoting diversity, and specifically “for her promotion of LGBTQ inclusion at Berkeley Lab, for her work to make the Lab a welcoming workplace for people of all communities, and her efforts to raise awareness of the Lab’s progress in diversity and inclusion.” More>
Amanda Krieger, Director’s Award for Exceptional Achievement in Diversity (2017)
Qiang Du, Early Career Research Program Award (2017)
Qiang Du of the Engineering Division’s Electronics Engineering and Controls Group was among five scientists to be selected for the 2017 Early Career Research Program Award. Du’s award was titled “Scalable control of multidimensional coherent pulse addition for high average power ultrafast lasers”. The project was selected by the Office of High Energy Nuclear Physics and he will be working with the Accelerator Technology and Applied Physics Division. For this project, Du will “design, build, and demonstrate a scalable distributed digital stabilization control system for robust multidimensional coherent combining of ultrafast fiber lasers, and make it available as a general toolbox in ultrafast optics control. High average power ultrafast lasers are essential tools that support fundamental science and applications.” . More >
Steve Holland, APS DPF Instrumentation Award (2016)

Photos Roger Smith, NOAO, AURA, NSF; Blanco webcam; Fermilab; Roy Kaltschmidt, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
For decades, Steve Holland has designed CCD cameras and related technology for various applications – from medical detection to space exploration. He’s won several awards for this work including a Scientific Detector Workshop Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013. Now, he’s been awarded the 2016 Instrumentation Award from the American Society of Particle Physics, Division of Particles and Fields for “development of technologies for detection of signals in frontier experiments, especially the fully depleted charge coupled device and the “oscilloscope on a chip” integrated circuit.”
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Arnaud Madur, Berkeley Lab Director’s Exceptional Achievement Award (2015)
The ALS Brightness Upgrade Team led the largest improvement of the Advanced Light Source (ALS) storage ring since the facility was built in 1993. The brightness improvement enables experiments at the ALS to be executed more quickly and with better spatial and spectral resolution. Mechanical Engineer, Arnaud Madur, was the lead engineer for the team that led the emittance upgrade. Christoph Steier (Accelerator Technology and Applied Physics Division) and Arnaud Madur received a Berkeley Lab Director’s Exceptional Achievement Award in the Scientific category for their scientific achievement in improving the performance of the ALS beamlines.
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Peter Denes, Berkeley Lab Lifetime Achievement Award (2015)
The Transmission Electron Aberration-corrected Microscope (TEAM) project revolutionized electron and x-ray microscopy in developing the world’s highest resolution electron microscopy instrument. As a testament to it’s achievement, the project won the Secretary of Energy’s Excellence of Acquisition Award in 2010. At the time, Scientist/Engineer, Peter Denes, was the TEAM project manager as well as the acting director of the Engineering Division. In result of this work, Peter Denes won the Berkeley Lab Lifetime Achievement Award for his scientific advancements in electron microscopy.
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Lee Yang, Berkeley Lab Director’s Exceptional Achievement Award (2015)
A collaboration of experts from Berkeley Lab, Brookhaven National Laboratory, the University of San Diego, and Uppsala University broke the world record, achieving 3nm resolution with X-ray microscopy. The team built a new microscope based on ptychography, a novel mode imaging technique that uses high-performance scanning transmission X-ray microscopy. This capability is an important tool for energy sciences, as demonstrated in initial work on lithium iron phosphate batteries. Software Engineer, Lee Yang, was a member of the Berkeley Lab team that included Rich Celestre, David Kilcoyne, Stefano Marchesini, David Shapiro, Tolek Tyliszczak, and Tony Warwick. The team won the Berkeley Lab Director’s Exceptional Achievement Award in the Scientific category for their scientific advancements.
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