This new video highlights recent updates from the ALS-U, an ongoing upgrade of Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source. Berkeley Lab Engineering Division staff are fully integrated into this long-term project, and several are featured here. Andrew Lodge is the lead engineer, Doug Fuller is the manufacturing engineer, and Kyle McCombs is the technician supervisor and coordinator for ALS-U Removal and Installation. Christoph Steier, a senior scientist in the ALS-U Division responsible for managing the Accelerator Systems, is also featured in the video. Daniela Leitner, a senior scientist in the Engineering Division and Division Science Deputy, leads ALS-U Removal & Installation.
The ALS, a Department of Energy (DOE) synchrotron light source facility that serves nearly 1,700 users annually, has been a global leader in soft x-ray science for more than two decades. As part of the upgrade, the electron storage ring is being replaced in order to produce brighter x-ray beams (at least 100 times brighter than those of the existing ALS) that will enable researchers to gain new insights into a broad range of materials and chemical processes.