Hall probe measurement bench (7.7m, 10 tons) in the LBNL built 1200 square-feet temperature controlled (+/-0.18 F averaged over 2h) Undulator Measurement Facility. The Hall probe can travel over 6 m with an error of less than 10 microns in the transverse directions.
Location: Building 77.
The 1200 square-feet Undulator Measurement Facility (UMF) allows us to characterize the magnetic fields produced by undulators. The UMF features a temperature controlled environment (+/-0.18 F averaged over 2h) and Hall probe measurement bench (7.7m long, 10 tons). The temperature stability associated to the high quality workmanship of the bench allows the Hall probe to travel over 6 m with an error of a less than 10 microns in the transverse directions.